" Greed" comes from the feeling of insecurity or from a feeling of not having enough, and it mostly comes from childhood, or watching elders, even surroundings play an important role. If a child sees and knows his father taking bribe he also feels it is fine to take and give bribe, but in reality it is not ethical and not a good way of doing things. If you want to build child's strong future you have to give him strong values system which in turn build his character. A poor value system can ruin your child's life as he can succumb to criminal activities or low energy level elements or unethical deeds. Even if you don't have enough a person can live a fulfilled and happy life, because greed is a superficial and a weak feeling , if a strong character is built with values of honesty and satisfaction no person will fall prey to a weak feeling like greed. If we want a contented and fulfilled world, we should teach our children to be happy in what they have and strive and working hard towards what they want. Wanting something is ok but you should deserve that and for that it takes effort, if we teach them to take effort the world will be a better place for the next coming generations.
Strong value system and strong character plays key role in a happy healthy and contented life. You have to decide whether you want a happy life without any stress or an unhappy life with stress and never ending greed.
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